Floodplain Information
The Village of Roxana is a part of the NFIP (National Flood Insurance Program). Since there are some locations of the Village that are in or near SFHA’s (Special Flood Hazard Areas), Roxana has adopted ordinances and regulations that are designed to minimize the hazards with any development in and around these flood-prone areas. The Village will provide information and assistance to property owners, renters, developers, and local officials about ways to protect people and property from the hazards associated with activities in or around floodplain areas. This information is provided to encourage people to seek out more information in order to take the necessary steps to protect themselves and their property.
The Village also regulates stormwater runoff and operates stormwater collections systems through an MS4 Permit (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System). This permit outlines and defines ways and means the Villages manages its municipal stormwater runoff.
If you would like more information on our MS4 Program, please call (618) 254-0980.